St Patrick's RC Church
Pentrebane Street, Grangetown, Cardiff
CF11 7LJ

St Vincent DePaul Society

St Vincent de Paul

Blessed Frederic Ozanam
The St Vincent de Paul Society (or as it is often known - the SVP) is an international Christian voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing practical assistance to those in need – irrespective of ideology, faith, ethnicity, age or gender.
Vincent de Paul was born in 1581 in France and became a Priest who dedicated his life to serving the poor and disadvantaged in Paris. He was canonised by Pope Leo in 1837.
Frederic Ozanam and his six friends founded the Conference of Charity in 1883 and took as their patron St Vincent de Paul. This Charity became known as the SVP.
Frederic was beatified by Pope John Paul in 1997 but has yet to become canonised.
The Society is a lay organisation initially formed in Paris in 1883. Placed under the Patronage of St Vincent de Paul, it is inspired by his thinking and works. It seeks, in the spirit of justice and charity, to help those who are suffering poverty in whatever form.
We have had a Conference of St Vincent de Paul in St Patrick's since 1894
( click here to see a copy of the letter authorising our Conference)
During the last year we have:
Visited people who are housebound or unwell.
Supported people who are in desperate need, including refugees and asylum seekers.
Collected food to support Food Banks
Given out many grocery parcels over the Christmas period.
Supported the SVP charity shops in Barry and Trowbridge.
For more information about the SVP, please see a member of the SVP after the 10am Mass on a Sunday.
If you think you would like to join the SVP, please see one of our members and come along to one of our meetings.
Have a look at one of our magazines.
Several children in our school are 'Mini Vinnies'. We will pray for them and hope that they will be inspired to continue the work of St Vincent well into their adult lives.
Find out more about Mini Vinnies by visiting their website