St Patrick's RC Church
Pentrebane Street, Grangetown, Cardiff
CF11 7LJ

Fr Valentine Chiedu Mobuogwu 2023-

Dearly beloved in Christ,
Greetings in the name of the Lord!
Permit me to briefly introduce myself. I am Father Valentine Chiedu Mobuogwu from Issele-Uku Diocese in Nigeria. I worked in two parishes in the Diocese of Menevia in Wales from 2012 to 2022 before moving over to the Archdiocese of Cardiff as Catholic Chaplain to His Majesty’s Prison in October last year. I will retain my full-time role as Prison Chaplain as well as serve you in St. Patrick's Grangetown. I am very much looking forward to being in your midst from the middle of July. Many thanks to Canon Mike Evans who is very kindly preparing a soft landing for me and my two brother-priests, Fathers Solomon Ugwummadu and Malachy Orjiebele, (both from Issele-Uku Diocese - my home Diocese in Nigeria), who will be joining us at St. Patrick's Grangetown in no distant time. They too are very much looking forward to the new pastoral ministry and experience in the UK.
God extends this opportunity for service in Grangetown to Frs. Solomon, Malachy and myself through the instrumentality of Archbishop Mark - for which we are grateful and happy to serve. Just as a tree cannot make a forest but must be in close proximity to others, so too we enjoin everyone to join hands with us, pulling together our God-given talents, time and resources to work for the good of the Church and for personal and collective growth. The Bible makes us aware that labourers sent into the harvest will always need the hospitality of those to whom they are sent. We cannot fulfil the tasks before us without your cooperation. We will be grateful to have the welcome and support of everyone. As your priests, we will hold everyone in the warm and loving embrace of the Lord.
We have heard many good things about you which fill our hearts with joy. We extend words of appreciation to everyone working visibly and invisibly for the good of the parish. Kindly keep us in your prayers and be rest assured you are all in our prayers as well. May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. See you soon!
Fr. Valentine C. Mobuogwu