St Patrick's RC Church
Pentrebane Street, Grangetown, Cardiff
CF11 7LJ
Holy Trinity
On the feast of the Most Holy Trinity the church invites us to reflect on the central and most unfathomable mystery of that faith, which she has been sent to announce and make present: the mystery of who God is.
In our practice of Christian Life, the Trinity is remembered often in prayer and during the daily routine by every Christian.
Each time we make the sign of the cross, we say: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Even though we remember the Trinity several times a day, as we invoke its presence before we begin any activity, it is difficult to comprehend the full meaning because the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit we invoke constitute a great Mystery.
Our God is a Trinity, a God of love and forgiveness.
We are made in the image of a triune God.
God the Father, who created us, his Son who saved us, and the Holy Spirit who continues to guide us.
To try to fully explain the Holy Trinity is impossible for us to comprehend, but there have been several analogies.
For example, a book has length, width, and thickness. The length is not the book’s width, the width is not the book’s thickness. These three dimensions can be described separately, yet they are connected together. If you remove one dimension, you are no longer describing a book.
St Patrick himself used the humble shamrock when he talked about the Holy Trinity.
For us, God is love. There are Three Persons in the Trinity, the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. And together they represent the fullness of love.
The Father loves the Son, the Son loves the Father. The Holy Spirit is their love for each other.
Our lives should reflect the Trinity. We should be always creative like the Father, compassionate like his Son, and like the Holy Spirit, use our talents in the service of others.
Prayer to the Holy Trinity
Glory be to the Father,
Who by His almighty power and love created me,
making me in the image and likeness of God.
Glory be to the Son,
Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell,
and opened for me the gates of heaven.
Glory be to the Holy Spirit,
Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism,
and continues to sanctify me
by the graces I receive daily from His bounty.
Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity,
now and forever.