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Education  Sunday

Our  school  is  called  St  Patrick's  School  and  is  in  Lucknow  Street  in  Grangetown.

Visit  their  website  to  find  out  more.

                    Education Sunday was celebrated on  Sunday 11th September 2016.


                              It  is a day of celebration for all those involved in education.

For over a century it has been part of an ecumenical celebration in which the Catholic Church participates. 

The Catholic Education Service’s theme for Education Sunday 2016 is 'All are welcome'.


The Archdiocese of Cardiff has deaneries covering Cardiff, the Welsh valleys, Bridgend, Hereford, Newport, North Gwent and Pontypridd. It has a Catholic population of over 144,000.

There are 91 schools in Wales who educate more  than 30,500 pupils and employ more  than 1,635 teachers.

Education Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks for all the students, staff and parents who work so hard in and for Catholic schools. It is also a chance for us to reflect upon the contribution that Catholic education makes to our communities.

Prayer  for those working in Education


Almighty God,
We come to you today and give thanks for all those who work in the education of our young people.
Thank you for the way in which they give of themselves each day in the classroom,
Serving and instructing the next generation of this land.
We thank you for them all now.

Father, please fill their hearts with courage now

by your mighty Spirit.
Fill them with your strength,

so they may rise to every challenge and not grow weary.
Fill them with your wisdom,

so that they may be able to make good judgement

when guiding and helping others.
Fill them with your peace,

so that when stress and anxiety comes it will not overwhelm them.
Fill them with your joy,

so that the passion they have for their subjects

may inspire those they teach and give them a thirst for learning.

We ask all this through Christ Our Lord.


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