St Patrick's RC Church
Pentrebane Street, Grangetown, Cardiff
CF11 7LJ
St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in Grangetown, Cardiff, is part of the Cardiff Deanery of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cardiff.
This Church opened on St Patrick's Day March 17th 1930.
St Patricks RC Primary School is in Lucknow Street, Grangetown
It has close links with the Church.
The school website.
Weekday in Ordinary Time
Season of Creation Find out more
Click on the image above for today's Reading
Saturday 7th September 2024
The Lord is near to all who call upon Him.
In today’s Gospel, the Pharisees continue to find fault with Jesus. The criticism this time is that Jesus’ disciples are picking grain from the fields and then having the audacity to eat it on the Sabbath. In the eyes of the Pharisees, the disciples were breaking the law. However, it is unlikely that Jesus would have been able to do anything right in the minds of the Pharisees. They were continually harassing and criticizing him.
Periodically we might need to ask ourselves: With whom do I find fault? Do I truly have legitimate cause to mentally or verbally criticize them? It is so easy to get into the pattern of finding fault with others. We all do it. Perhaps what is more important is that we recognize what we are doing. If we do that, then we can consciously shift our thoughts and let go of the judgment we are making.
At times we still need to be honest with others in an appropriate way.
Before we speak, perhaps we can ask ourselves: “What would Jesus do?”
Jesus will help us have the wisdom and discernment that we need!
Day 7. Those who suffer
Nine brief reflections asking St Francis of Assisi to pray for us and our world, based on his beautiful Canticle of the Sun. This novena is a song of penitence and praise, guiding us to care for the earth and for our most vulnerable sisters and brothers
Masses for this and the coming week
Saturday 6.30pm
Sunday 10.00am
Monday No Mass
Tuesday 6.30pm
Wednesday 10.00am
Thursday 10.00am
Friday 10.00am
Happy Anniversary in the UK
Fathers Solomon and Malachy have been with us in the UK for one year. How time has flown !
Both our young priests began their UK ministry in St Patricks but just before Easter Fr Solomon was needed in St Mary of the Angels in Canton where the parishioners received him with open arms. St Patrick's Parishioners hope that Fr Malachy will stay with us for many years to come.
We wish both our young priests every grace and blessing as they lead us on our spiritual journey.
Read our Parish Newsletter
September 8th 2024
Please click on the above image for donations directly to the Parish.
Mass can also be followed on these links.
Daily Mass (On Demand)
10.00am Sunday and Daily Mass
Service Times in other Catholic Churches in Cardiff
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Please follow us: St Patrick’s Church Grangetown @StPatsGrange
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Latest news from Pope Francis St Patrick's Primary School Website