St Patrick's RC Church
Pentrebane Street, Grangetown, Cardiff
CF11 7LJ

St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in Grangetown, Cardiff, is part of the Cardiff Deanery of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cardiff.
This Church opened on St Patrick's Day March 17th 1930.

St Patricks RC Primary School is in Lucknow Street, Grangetown
It has close links with the Church.
The school website. http://www.stpatricks-primary.co.uk/

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Click on the image above for today's Reading
Sunday 9th February 2025

Follow me, says the Lord,
In today’s Gospel, Jesus called His first disciples. He was walking by the lake of Gennesaret when He saw two boats that were close to the shore. The fisherman had just finished their fishing for the day. They were out of their boats and they were washing their nets.
Jesus stepped into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon and said to him: “Put out into the deep and lower your nets". Simon replied, “Master, we have fished all night and we did not catch any fish. However, I will do as you ask.” As we know, Simon and the other fishermen caught so many fish that their nets began to tear. Everyone was astonished and amazed!
When Peter returned to the shore, he jumped out of the boat, went to Jesus and fell at His feet saying to Him : “Depart from me, Lord, for I am sinful man.” Clearly Peter and the other fishermen realized that this catch of fish was extraordinary. Peter knew that Jesus had done an amazing deed and he was in awe of Jesus and his power. Then Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” When all of them returned to shore, the disciples left everything and followed Jesus.
Today Jesus will call all of us to be fishers of people. You can count on it! However, first we have to live Jesus’ message. If we are not living His message, no one will take the time to listen to us.
The men and women who decided to follow Jesus were captured by Jesus’ love for the poor and the needy.
Jesus was humble and He cared for the poor, the sick, and the least ones.
Let us strive to imitate Jesus in His compassion for others this day.
Masses for this and the coming week
Sunday 10.00am
Monday NO MASS
Tuesday 6.30pm
Wednesday 10.00am
Thursday 10.00am
Friday 10.00am
Saturday 6.30pm
Weekday Masses will be in the Sacristy

Jubilee Prayer

The Mass: A Privileged Encounter Episode 1
The Mass : Called out of the World Episode 2
The Mass : God speaks our story Episode 3
The Mass : Responding to God Episode 4
The Mass : Preparing for Sacrifice Episode 5
The Mass : The Real Presence creates Communion Episode 6
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For more information about the new lectionary, the structure of the Mass and much more.

Read our Parish Newsletter
February 9th 2025

Please click on the above image for donations directly to the Parish.
There has been a problem with the monthly donation link. You may need to re-do it if you donate this way.
Mass can also be followed on these links.
Daily Mass (On Demand)
10.00am Sunday and Daily Mass
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Join us on: Friends of St Patrick’s Grangetown -www.stpatrickscardiff.co.uk
We now have a Twitter account.
Please follow us: St Patrick’s Church Grangetown @StPatsGrange
Latest News and Information
This includes: Newsletters,
Latest news from Pope Francis St Patrick's Primary School Website
St Patrick's Charity Number: 1177272